Need an Editor please

Non Focus discussion. Pretty much other cars and off topic stuff.
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Posts: 683
Joined: Thu Sep 04, 2008 1:10 pm
Car: '00 & '01 ZX3's
Location: Darwin, MN

I've been asking for some help all over the place and have found little. I've been putting together a spreadsheet for the zetec (which can be adapted to any engine very easily) and I'd expected some help from my zetec brethren (fail on my part as they are selfish). I'm hoping someone here understands what I'm doing and can check and verify my work. The sheet isn't complete but I'd still like input, what works, what doesn't, what would you like added, stuff like that.

Also if anyone has info on how to graph the camshafts I'd love to see that. I can probably figure it out but it's not the easiest. Something like a Cam Doctor would be real helpful, though defeats the purpose of my endeavor (teaching myself Excel and relearning Trig).

Download here:

Basically looking for someone who understands higher math better than I do and Excel.
Posts: 479
Joined: Mon Jan 04, 2010 5:04 pm
Car: 02 Black SVT Focus
Location: Mankato

That's some intense spreadsheets you got going on there.

I don't have an active version of excel on my laptop so it makes it hard to follow the equations since they don't light up the boxes they come from.

Also, although I do have a pretty decent grasp on trig, I just have to ask, what is the purpose of this spreadsheet?
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